Bachelor -ka Midwifery ama Umuliso waxaa loogu talagalay ardayada doonaysa inay noqoto umuliso la aqoonsan yahay, kana shaqeeysa goobaha dhalmada dhalaanka sida isbitaallada, MCH-yada, xarumaha caafimaadka hooyada iyo dhallaanka.
Ardayada baraneesa bachelor-ka Midwifery ama Umuliso waxay tagidoontaa isbitaalada inta ay waxbarashada u socoto iyo MCH-yada, ardayada waxa kale oo lagu tobabaridoonaa siidii ay ugu warhayn laheed hooyada uurka leh tobanka isbuuc ee ugu dambeesa waqtiga uurka ayadoo qayb ka noqon doonta foosha, dhalmada iyo daryeelka ilmaha dhashay.
Part of our mission to expand access to quality higher education means removing the barriers that may stand between you and your degree. That’s why you can apply at any time and get a decision within days of submitting all required materials.
Acceptance decisions are made on a rolling basis throughout the year.
Main Campus or Online
Indian Ocean University is accredited by the Ministry of Education, Culture & Higher Education. All Programs offered by IOU are encompassed by this national accreditation.
Classes will Start in
- 00Days
- 00Hours

I strongly believe that Indian university is the best university in Somalia.
Abdullahi Farah
- Course Descriptions
- Work placement
- Career Outlook
This midwifery course will teach you how to:
- manage normal pregnancy and childbirth
- provide effective postnatal, maternal and newborn care to women and their newborn infant
- provide safe and reliable care that meets the individual psychological, emotional, physical, social and spiritual needs of women.
Bachelor of Midwifery students will do midwifery clinical practice throughout the course in hospital and community settings. The students will also engage with a minimum of ten women to follow their pregnancy, labour, birth and postnatal care journey called their Continuity of Care Experiences (CCE). This experience involves the student recruiting the woman in early pregnancy and attending appointments throughout. If possible, the student attends the labour and birth and follows the woman after discharge home up to six weeks following birth.
Students will undertake clinical placements at maternity hospitals and Maternal and child health (MCH) across Mogadishu. The first clinical placement begins in the first year of the program.
Our clinical partners are very important to us and range from small maternity units to large tertiary hospitals. Examples of partners in Mogadishu include The Banadir Hospital, Keysaney Hospital. There are many more partners including private health services where students experience placement.
Our graduates have pursued career in:
- registered midwife within maternity settings
- consultant midwife
- clinical specialist
- antenatal educator
- researcher
- family care
- independent midwifery practitioner.
- special care nurseries