Daryeelka caafimaad ee casriga ahi si dhakhso leh ayuu u kobcayaa, waxaana la socda isbeddelo ku saabsan shaqada ee qabtaan shaqaalaha sheybaarka caafimaadka. Cisbitaalada iyo hayadaha caafimaadka waxay u baahan yihiin shaqaale xirfad leh si ay u buuxiyaan jagooyinka kormeerka, una isticmaalaan mabaadi’da hubinta tayada ee casriga ah si loo xakameeyo kharashaadka, loo ilaaliyo u hoggaansanaanta sharciga, loona kordhiyo waxqabadka guud ee shaybaarka iyo sidoo kale jadwalka joogtada ah ee baarida cudurada.
Part of our mission to expand access to quality higher education means removing the barriers that may stand between you and your degree. That’s why you can apply at any time and get a decision within days of submitting all required materials.
Acceptance decisions are made on a rolling basis throughout the year.
Main Campus or Online
Indian Ocean University is accredited by the Ministry of Education, Culture & Higher Education. All Programs offered by IOU are encompassed by this national accreditation.
Classes will Start in
- 00Days
- 00Hours

I strongly believe that Indian university is the best university in Somalia.
Abdullahi Farah
- Course Descriptions
- Core Courses
- Career Outlook
Medical laboratory scientists perform tests on human and veterinary specimens including blood, bodily fluids, stool, urine, tissue biopsies and more. They are skilled in interpreting and analysing these specimens to identify blood diseases, viruses and parasites, immunity disorders, evidence of toxins and poisons, genetic mutations, plus much more.
The required courses for Bachelor of Medical Laboratory are listed here:
- Clinical Immunology
- Clinical Fluid Analysis
- Special Microbiology
- Clinical Microbiology
- Statistics
- Clinical Chemistry
- Diagnostic Molecular Biology
- Hematology
- Hemostasis
- Laboratory Operations
- Advanced Lab Concepts
- Advanced Clinical Practice
- Medical Laboratory Science Capstone
- Advanced Clinical Correlations
Opportunities After Graduation:
- Medical laboratory management
- Clinical supervisor
- Research and development
- Pharmaceutical representative
- Forensics
- Technical specialist
- Education and instruction
- Laboratory information specialist